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【Unity3d】【插件】Cinematic SequencerSLATE 1.6.0b


This extension requires one license per seat
Requires Unity 5.3.6 or higher.
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SLATE is the most efficient, easy and intuitive sequencer for creating cinematic or gameplay cutscenes in Unity, full of unique features and an artist friendly UI/UX for achieving the best workflow and results possible within a lesser amount of time. 

SLATE will help you achieve your creative vision without the hassle, in a familiar linear track-oriented realtime editor, inspired by software like Adobe After Effects and Premiere right inside Unity. 

Feature Highlights:
• Take Control with unparalleled Realtime Scrubbing, Visual Feedback and deterministic Layer-Based sampling.

• Direct cutscenes with an intuitive camera Shot System, while making moving shots without a hassle. Create transitions, automatic blend in/out of gameplay and render from a single consistent Render Camera, thus keeping all image effects like Color Correction or AO applied the same.

• Animate anything within a familiar Curve Editor and manage animation keys easily, within an intuitive DopeSheet Editor.

• Animate action clip parameters directly within the clips, in a similar fashion to animation software like After Effects and achieve much more in less time.

• Work with Auto-Keying or Manual-Keying modes similar to most animation software.

• Visualize and edit animation Motion Trails directly within the 3D Scene View.

• Playback Animation Clips on top one another, or smoothly cross-blend between them, using an advanced layer-based Animation Track system.

• Take Advantage of direct Mecanim Animation Clip playback without the need to create a Controller, while also using animation re-targeting and root motion.

• Playback Audio Clips while taking advantage of Unity's new audio mixer for finer control and applied effects.

• Utilize a variety of action clips included for animating lighting, time, fog, particles, 2D sprites, facial expressions, head look-at, subtitles, image overlays, pathfinding and much more with full scrub control and realtime editor feedback.

• Work with Virtual Actor References and prefab actor instances automatically and without a hassle.

• Reuse made Cutscenes by animating actor properties and clip parameters in local Cutscene Space.

• Utilize the new Alembic Track, importing alembic files and for creating high-end Unity cinematics.

• Render to GIF, MP4, PNG or EXR image sequence in editor or runtime. (optional)

• Organize and re-organize cutscenes with Time Sections, or use SubCutscenes similar to After Effects PreCompositions.

• Play cutscenes in any way possible. Play Once, Loop, Ping Pong, forwards, backwards, a specific section, or any combination within these words.

• Extend and create custom action clips with ease, using a clean and well documented API.

• Publish to all platforms.
• Full Source Code Included.
• VR Supported.
• And much more...

Available Integrations:
• NodeCanvas.
• FlowCanvas.
• Dialogue System for Unity.
• Adventure Creator.
• Playmaker.
• Spine. (Realtime Preview)
• LipSync. (Realtime Preview)
• FinalIK. (Realtime Preview)
• Cinematic Image Effects. (Realtime Preview)
• More to come...

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