
【Unity3d】插件Prefab Atlaspooling and organization 2.0.2


Requires Unity 4.6.0 or higher.

Unity 5 ready

Official forum post

Play maker support

This tool will make it very easy to handle your prefabs by putting them all in a single place where you can access them, you can create instances of prefabs on the fly and simply deactivate them instead of destroying them to be reused.

The Prefab Atlas is more than just a pooling solution, it is a very efficient way to organize and utilize your prefabs, and unlike a lot of pooling solutions it manages instances with performance in mind, there are no lists or arrays that need to be resized, there are no look ups every time you ask for a prefab during runtime, everything was carefully designed to deliver amazing performance, making the Prefab Atlas not only one of the best tools to manage Prefabs but also one of the fastest in the job.

Ease of use played a great deal in the creation of this tool, the Prefab Atlas will not require you to create special calls (to deactivate and pool the prefabs), to keep track of managers or instances of any kind, instead the Prefab Atlas works along with the way you already know how to use Unity. Have a game object you want pooled@ deactivate it, as long it came from the Prefab Atlas it will correctly return to its pool to be reused.

You can limit the amount of prefabs a container can hold as well as how many prefabs a container can create period, this makes it a wonderful tool to deal with objects such as particle effects, objects containing sounds, etc. The Prefab Atlas will allow you to have full control on how far your game will push memory or CPU cycles, making it extremely essential for mobile or console development.
